Entries Open August First:
– Exhibitors register online at hantscountyex.com
You will find the individual forms in the menu
under “Entry Forms”.
– Please read requirements before entering.
– Please pay close attention to closing dates, as they vary
– Exhibitors can enter one exhibit per class.
– All exhibits must be the original work of the exhibitor.
– Categories are open to all ages (except section 7 –
Kids/Youth Only). **Please note though, whether you
are 65 and older, or age 21 and under.
– We are working on sourcing prizes for top entries.
– By entering the virtual 255th Hants County Exhibition
you are consenting to the use and or publication of any
and all photo and video exhibits entered.
– Although exhibits are entered as photos or videos,
the work in the photo or video is considered the exhibit.
Another individual taking a photo or video that includes
the exhibitor as part of the exhibit is acceptable.
– Maximum photo size is eight MB; Maximum video
size is 120 MB – 20 seconds max.
– Have fun and enter as many categories as you can!
The rules are few, and categories are broad. Be creative.